3 min

How RemOnline Helped Window Installation Business Get Organised And Grow

Find out how Anna and Dmitriy started a successful window-installing business from scratch after moving to Israel. Thanks to RemOnline, they automated processes and improved customer service to fully focus on business growth.

Anna and Dmytro have been living in Israel for 4 years. During this time, they adapted to their new home, and at some point, they felt ready to start their own business — Okna Alfir. They began totally from scratch. Dmytro mastered the production and installation processes of aluminium profile windows and got the first work orders from the company website. Anna joined the company to do the admin work and communicate with clients. She keeps records of work order details, dispatches their field crew, and manages social media and the website. Her husband assembles, installs, and maintains windows, shop windows, terraces, etc. Aluminium profiles have proven themselves well in Israel, given the local weather conditions. Therefore, if everything is done well, the products will serve clients for a long time and always look good.

In the year and a half since the company was founded, the couple has studied the market, built internal processes, and got ready to move on to growth. They were getting a lot of work orders but didn’t have enough hands. It was no longer interesting for them to do everything on their own. They wanted to delegate and move on.

dmytriy alfirDmytro Alfir, co-owner of Okna Alfir

Life-Changing Decision to Automate Business Processes

Before hiring employees, Anna and Dmytro decided to properly organise and streamline their workflow and business processes. So, they started looking for field service management software. The owners were convinced that delegating tasks to new employees without a well-thought-out system and modern software behind it was impossible. We at RemOnline share their opinions.

We were getting many work orders but didn’t have enough hands, and we wanted to grow our operations. We had to organise and keep records of our work so that new people could work according to our workflow. We wanted to delegate these processes but still have control over them. The growth of our business would not have been possible without RemOnline.

Anna Alfir
Co-owner of Okna Alfir

Anna found RemOnline through an advert and decided to give it a try. The couple had no experience with such systems and didn’t know where to start. So first, they requested a product demo to see what the programme was capable of and how it could meet their needs. Next, with the help of RemOnline’s onboarding managers, they did all the needed account configurations and set up workflows based on the company's existing processes. Now, Anna is a confident user of the system, but when she has specific questions or requests, RemOnline’s customer support comes in handy. According to Anna, a business owner has to get engaged in the digitalisation process because organising one’s business is the only thing that cannot be delegated.

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Field Service Management Software Speeds Up Work Order Processing

The software for window installation business helps improve communication between the office and field crew, easily track work order statuses, and assign tasks, which significantly increases the company's efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Customized Work Order Cards

The company's main goal was to build an effective collaboration process among all team members involved in work order processing. On the one hand, window installers are mostly focused on the technical details of the project, customer requests, and installation requirements and cannot always collect all the necessary information about the client for the office team. On the other hand, the office needs such details as clients’ addresses, how much they pay, and what kind of invoice they need to generate. Misunderstandings and wasted time can happen, which is costly.

Completed work by Okna AlfirCompleted work by Okna Alfir

RemOnline significantly improved team communication by becoming a link between the two parties: the office and the production and installation facilities — with no need for back-and-forth calls to clarify all the work order details. RemOnline’s ability to synchronise the office's operation and window production and installation service is crucial for the owners.

Anna works with RemOnline’s web version on a laptop from the office, while Dmitry uses the RemOnline Work Order mobile application. Everyone sees the most important and relevant information thanks to the properly configured Work Order and Customer Cards.

Anna likes to talk to clients with an open Work Order card in front of her. This allows her not to forget anything and to collect information necessary for the project to get started. There are many points to clarify, such as whether the building has a lift or how to park near the facility. Because when a window glass weighs 200 kg, it is very important to consider all the details. And Dmitry uploads drawings and photos to the work order. All this record-keeping saves time and simplifies the installation process. As a result, everyone sees a full picture of the project with all the necessary data.

Order table in RemOnlineOrder table in RemOnline

I enter everything into the system, and Dmitry opens it on his smartphone. There is no need to clarify anything. Similar to a construction set, we set up the display of information that I need, and my husband has what he needs for his work. It's great. It's not just synchronisation. It's the ability to use the information you need without spending much time on the phone with the client, the supplier, or your employees.

Anna Alfir
Co-owner of Okna Alfir

Quick Generation of Estimates and Invoices

In addition to saving time on paperwork, the owners find it handy that all data is in one programme, from the project description and drawings to job cost calculations and customer details. No more dozens of Excel spreadsheets, notebooks, and photos on their phones to combine all the time. When Dmytro drives, he simply opens the Work Orders app, taps twice, and plots the route to the client in Google Maps. When clients make prepayments, Anna immediately sees the amount to be charged, which must be done on time to comply with local legal requirements.

Previously, client invoices were filled out manually, but now they are automatically generated when processing a work order—quickly, conveniently, and without manual calculations. Then, all the data is transferred to the accountant for tax reporting.

RemOnline impressed us with how comfortable issuing invoices can be. Because all the work order information is already there, it is automatically pulled up when the invoice is generated. Then, it is immediately received by our accountant, who generates all the necessary reports.

Anna Alfir
Co-owner of Okna Alfir

Improving Customer Service as a Growth Point

The owners believe another significant advantage of using RemOnline is improving customer service and, therefore, competitiveness in the market. Okna Alfir has already established its position in the market thanks to its service quality, but there is always room for growth. The most obvious opportunity is relevant and timely feedback collection or special offer notifications for loyal customers. Many companies in the market neglect this, although it can also be automated in RemOnline, giving you peace of mind.

sms-feedbackReport "Client feedback" in RemOnline

RemOnline makes it possible not to think about calling or texting the client back in a year, asking about their windows' condition, or reminding them about the warranty. That is, we have a connection with our clients, and we don't have to think, 'Oh, we had an installation on this day last year. Let's remember the client of our services.' It can all be done automatically, which gives us a competitive advantage.

Anna Alfir
Co-owner of Okna Alfir

Future Automation and Business Growth Goals

Future tasks include keeping warehouse records and employee management in RemOnline so that when new people are hired, everyone sees the necessary information in their area of responsibility. Previously, recruiting new people to the team was a matter of concern. But now that RemOnline streamlined the processes and communication, it has become clear how everything should be organised for further business growth.

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Anna and Dmytro have ambitious plans. They believe it is not worth spending one’s life working manually when many things can be automated. The couple wants to focus on business growth to ensure their children have their own family history, telling how their parents came from Ukraine and later built their own aluminium processing plant. We at RemOnline appreciate the aspirations of our users and wish Anna and Dmytro the best of luck in making their dreams come true.