3 min

Florist Business Is Flourishing Thanks To Automation

In-store sales and Instagram orders, bespoke bouquets, and flower delivery across the city are managed with a single software solution. Read how Poczuj, a flower retail & delivery business in Poznań, delights customers with excellent service thanks to well-coordinated processes.

Daria Dikhtiar has been amazed by the art of flower arrangement since childhood. She became a florist and started her own flower delivery service called Poczuj. Darya and her husband first worked online with Instagram orders but later opened an offline store in Poznań. After moving to a new location in the city centre, orders became more diverse, and the number of customers increased.

poczuj-founders.webp (55 KB)Founders of Poczuj

Currently, Poczuj employs two florists in the store. They sell bouquets and make bespoke flower arrangements. Daria and her husband handle delivery orders. They also hire contractors for social media marketing.

The Poczuj Instagram page has over seven thousand followers and is constantly updated with new content. The couple plans to grow the brand, including creating refrigerated rooms in the store and running floristry masterclasses.

poczuj-flower-shop.webp (323 KB)Poczuj store in Poznań

Unsuccessful in Seeking Florist Software Among Local Providers

Since opening her flower business, Daria has searched for easy-to-use florist software. She tried several services, mostly local ones, but none met Poczuj's needs. Daria was introduced to RemOnline by a friend who is also a business owner. Although she works in a different niche—retail on Instagram—she recommended trying RemOnline to streamline processes at Poczuj.

co-founder-poczuj.webp (174 KB)Daria Dikhtiar, co-founder of Poczuj

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Entire Business Under Control with a Single Software Solution

RemOnline helps Poczuj streamline daily operations by providing convenient access to information and improving employee communication.

Daria especially likes the work order management feature. The RemOnline Work Orders app lets her team see delivery statuses and addresses in real time. This greatly facilitates the work routine of florists and deliverymen, who can receive information promptly without additional notifications.

floral-order-detailsWork Orders in RemOnline

Poczuj also uses Instagram integration, as many bouquet orders come through this channel. This simplifies Daria's communication with the team of florists. For example, she can ask her employees to take orders via chat in RemOnline if she is busy. This allows them to provide quick customer service even when Daria cannot personally process delivery orders.

chats-flowersChats in RemOnline

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Business Performance Data at a Glance and Timely Orders

Daria likes using one software for all tasks as it greatly simplifies workflows and helps avoid confusion with customer orders. Order statuses allow florists to arrange bouquets without delay, improving overall efficiency and customer service.

Sales analytics in RemOnline allow Daria to track online and in-store orders separately. This allows the business owner to calculate the number of sales from each channel at the end of the month, which helps to plan marketing strategies more effectively and improve business processes.

The RemOnline team wishes Poczuj to continue growing and delighting customers with the beauty of bouquets and excellent service. From our side, we ensure continuous improvement of RemOnline’s functionality for flower businesses.