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Lucrative Business Ideas 2023: Turn Your Passion & Skills Into Profit

Do you want to become a full-time entrepreneur? Or are you looking for a side hustle as an additional source of income? Get inspired by various business ideas listed below to find the one that fits your skill set, resources, and ambitions.

Table of Contents

What Makes a Perfect Business Idea?
Steady-Income Business Ideas If You Have “The Skill”
Profitable Business Ideas If You Have “The Passion”
Final Thoughts

If you are considering starting your own business, 2023 may be the perfect time to leap — the negative effect caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is declining, opening more room for entrepreneurial spirit. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, over 60% of small business owners asses their business as “being in good shape” at the beginning of this year, compared to only 25% in 2020.

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You can turn your passion, skills, or free time into a successful business with the right idea and helpful tips. Let’s explore some of the best small business ideas for 2023 in this article.

What Makes a Perfect Business Idea?

Before going deeper into what is trending now, you should know how to evaluate whether any idea that sounds fantastic is right for you. Here are some criteria for a good idea:

  • Solves a specific need or problem in your local market
  • Targets a clear audience
  • Has a sustainable and scalable business model and solid competitive advantage
  • Requires low startup costs
  • Offers potential for growth and profitability
  • Is adaptable to market and industry changes

Additionally, an excellent small business idea should reflect your skills, interests, and passions and have a clear vision, mission, and values aligning with your personal and professional goals.

Steady-Income Business Ideas If You Have “The Skill”

Becoming self-employed or starting a business is a great career development opportunity for skilled employees on full-time jobs, especially if you have mastered high-in-demand skills and gained prior experience working for someone else.

Repair Shop Businesses

People will need repair services as long as there are machines and devices. Repair shops can specialize in specific repairs, such as electronics, cars, or appliances, targeting a particular customer base. When providing excellent customer service and quality repairs, positive word-of-mouth recommendations will help you build repeat business and attract potential customers without significant marketing investments.

Electronics Repair

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The increasingly complex products like smartphones, tablets, and other modern devices are essential to everyday life. And with today's focus on sustainability, more people are looking to extend the life of their existing devices instead of buying new ones. That is why the demand for experienced technicians is growing in this field, creating opportunities for local businesses.

The initial investments here are relatively low as you can operate your business from home or rent a small workspace. However, you should consider extra costs for tools and parts and marketing budgets — but they won’t cost you a fortune anyway. You can also enjoy high-profit margins since customers are willing to pay significantly higher rates than the parts cost to repair their devices.

Exited by this idea? Read a complete guide on how to start an electronics repair business

Computer Repair

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Like the previous type of business, computer repair shops are and will be in demand because people cannot imagine their lives without technology. Offering computer repair services can allow you to make a steady income from private or corporate clients on an as-needed basis or through regular maintenance programs. Additionally, owning a computer repair business enables you to work for yourself and set your own hours. You will also be able to work with cutting-edge technologies and stay up-to-date in the industry.

Start your business on the right foot — automate routine tasks with RemOnline from day one

Auto Repair

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Good mechanics are always in demand, so if you enjoy working on vehicles and have the required certificates, it’s time to open a garage. Mechanics who specialize in specific brands or types of models of cars can quickly become the go-to person for those repairs in the area and build a lucrative business. This venture requires relatively little start-up capital and can provide a good income depending on your skill level.

Read another article in our blog to learn more about starting a mechanic business

Online Businesses

If you dream of flexible work hours, mobility, and a global reach, providing services online or selling goods on eBay or Amazon is your exciting path. Besides flexibility and convenience, the low cost of starting an online business means you can test your ideas without a significant financial investment.

Social Media Management

With the increasing number of companies and individuals who use social media platforms to connect with their audience, there is a growing demand for marketing specialists. These services include creating and curating content, managing social media accounts, monitoring and analyzing social media presence, and creating advertising campaigns.

Graphic Designers

Graphic design is a highly in-demand skill in today's digital age. Many businesses need visually appealing designs to attract and engage their target audience with online marketing (this is an excellent opportunity to cooperate with social media managers or online marketers). Graphic designers can offer logo creation, website design, social media graphics, and branding services. 

Besides establishing a good income source, you will also evolve your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Consulting Business

This business allows you to use your existing knowledge and expertise to help companies and individuals solve their problems. You don’t need a permanent physical office space or employees — a laptop with a camera and internet access will be enough.

Consultants can earn decent money since clients generally pay for the services provided on an hourly or project basis. There is always a need for consultants in many industries, as businesses regularly seek external advice from experienced professionals.

Virtual Assistant

This is your perfect online business idea if you have strong organizational and problem-solving skills. The demand for remote-working assistants is increasing since companies seek to save money on office space, equipment, and employee benefits. As a virtual assistant, you can offer various services such as managing emails, scheduling appointments, entrepreneur media management, content creation, and data entry.

Profitable Business Ideas If You Have “The Passion”

When assessing a business idea's potential return on investment, money is not the only KPI you should consider. Satisfaction, fulfillment, and personal development are important factors as well. Let’s look at the kinds of business ideas you should consider if you want to do what you enjoy the most.

Services for Pet Owners

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Pet services are a fulfilling business opportunity if you love pets and want to earn extra money or find an enjoyable full-time endeavor. And this is a profitable business, too. Pet owners often consider their pets family members and are willing to pay for services such as grooming, boarding, and pet sitting.

Dog Walking

Dog walking services help busy dog owners get more time while someone else takes their dogs for regular walks. Professional dog walkers also provide the exercises they need to stay healthy and happy while clients work or are away from home. To succeed in this business, you must develop good social skills, attend dog training classes, and manage your time efficiently. The dog walking software RemOnline can help you with scheduling, customer management, finances, and more.

scheduler-all-employees.webp (108 KB)Scheduling dog walking jobs in RemOnline

Pet Grooming

These services can include everything from bathing and brushing to nail trimming and haircuts. They are essential for maintaining a pet's hygiene and keeping its coat healthy and shiny. Professional groomers can also spot health issues like skin irritations or ear infections.

Pet Sitting and Boarding

Pet sitting services provide pets with a safe and comfortable environment when their owners are away. These services can range from in-home visits to overnight stays at a boarding facility. They can also include feeding, exercise, and medication administration.

Cleaning Business

People and businesses need their spaces cleaned regularly, and many want to pay for the convenience of someone else doing it for them. If you like cleaning and are reliable and organized, you will always have a busy schedule. You can also work flexible, part-time, or full-time hours with various clients.

Additionally, the startup costs for a cleaning business are relatively low, and you can start providing cleaning services with just a few basic supplies and equipment. You will have many specialization options: residential or commercial, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, and more. You can expand to other areas or offer additional services or franchise opportunities when your business grows.

Create professional-looking invoices in seconds and win more cleaning jobs with RemOnline

Food Truck Business

If traditional brick-and-mortar restaurants are too costly to start for you, a food truck is your more accessible opportunity. You will be flexible in selecting locations, moving to where the demand is highest.

Moreover, the food truck business has grown in popularity recently, mainly because it offers customers a more personalized and intimate experience, as they can interact directly with the chefs and owners.

Catering Service

The demand for catering services is always high, as people often need food and drinks for various events and occasions such as weddings, corporate events, and parties. You will also enjoy high-profit margins, as the cost of ingredients and labor can be relatively low compared to the price charged for the service. Another benefit is that you can work flexibly, choosing a part-time or full-time schedule and even from home, reducing overhead costs.

Lawn Care & Landscaping Business

If you enjoy working outside and creating beautiful outdoor spaces, opening a landscaping company is a business you should try.

Homeowners and businesses always need their outdoor spaces to look attractive and well-maintained — no worries about the demand here. The startup costs? They are relatively low, as you primarily need equipment such as lawnmowers, trimmers, and hand tools. The profit margins for landscaping services can be high, especially if you specialize in landscape design or irrigation installation services. You can also attract environmentally conscious customers with eco-friendly landscaping practices.

Final Thoughts

Starting a small business in 2023 seems lucrative because the economy is recovering from the challenging period, offering new entrepreneurs more opportunities. When looking for your perfect business idea, focus on online and service businesses — both are in high demand and can be started and operated on a small budget. You can monetize your skills, expertise, or passion with great flexibility and work-life balance and succeed in the long run.