3 min

Business Growth Without Appliance Repair Software?

The most profitable repair service business is the one that's running smoothly. Is it possible with an old-fashioned business model? Let’s find out in this blog post

Table of Contents

The Trouble with Manual Management
How Will You Benefit from Using Appliance Repair Order Software in Your Company?
How All-in-One Software Helps in Better Management of Appliance Repair Business
How a Mechanic Software Program Levels Up the Quality of Repairs
How a Cloud Solution Improves Appliance Repair Inventory Control
Final Thoughts


There are many repair shops out there that are still running their business an old-fashioned way — in xls sheets with lots of paper and manual work. Although they are able to work with limited resources, they lower their capabilities and thus might be missing out on opportunities. Business growth is hindered without the use of the right tools that help a company manage its daily operations and make them more efficient.

The Trouble with Manual Management

Manual management is a time-consuming task that can be best left to automated systems. For those who own a home service company and need to hire and manage their employees, the task of running everything by hand is overwhelming. To address this, there are now software programs designed specifically for appliance repair contractors.

If you're just getting started with your shop or if you're not happy with the current workflows your employees follow, then it's time to implement a professional solution to digitalize all processes and get rid of unnecessary manual input. Good appliance repair business software is more than just a time-saver, it will also help increase the number of service calls that you get on a regular basis.

How Will You Benefit from Using Appliance Repair Order Software in Your Company?

The most important thing — it reduces the amount of time that you spend on repetitive tasks giving you more time to complete other high-value jobs. The software will keep your business organized and ensure that your customers always get the best service.

Other areas of your business will also benefit from automation: finances, inventory, risk management, HR, and most importantly, performance analytics. You will be able to build and organize an effective stock, predict expected lead time, track costs, and expenses, eliminate human error risk, and much more.

How All-in-One Software Helps in Better Management of Appliance Repair Business

In some shops, an owner is often the only person in the company and has to do everything her/himself, which means managing inventory, scheduling, invoicing, contact with customers, emails…This is a lot of work to keep up on all of these tasks. When working so hard on all the business-related things you cannot spend as much time repairing appliances needed to keep your clients happy. This could lead to decreased revenue, fewer repair orders, and bad reviews. The most helpful thing you can do in this situation is to start using professional appliance repair software where you can: 

  • process repair work orders in a trackable and automated way
  • conveniently schedule appointments via a built-in booking tool
  • quickly generate professional-looking estimates and invoices
  • access customer and repair history in one place
  • gain control over your spare parts inventory


In RemOnline, all of the above is possible, and even more — digital cashboxes, sales tax computing, tracking of customer reviews, bin locations for accurate storage, and analytics of different KPIs.

How a Mechanic Software Program Levels Up the Quality of Repairs

Using digital tools, you can easily assign tasks to different members of your team to ensure that all of the jobs get done in a timely manner. When the routine tasks are automated, your techs can focus on servicing clients with minimal distractions. You don't have to worry about losing bids because you forgot to send an invoice or do not know when they last called.

How a Cloud Solution Improves Appliance Repair Inventory Control

As a significant percentage of appliance repairs are conducted at a business' location, effective stock management is essential to maintain all the spares organized and easily accessible to technicians. This task becomes more challenging when you open new locations and want to provide the same level of service in all your appliance repair centers.

With a cloud-based system in place, you will have the ability to monitor the stock levels over locations as well as the entire company in real-time which will help you lower the risk of shortages, product loss, and fraud. And with automated features like writing-off parts to work orders, low stock level alerts, and advanced access right set up, you’ll be able to reduce costs invested in your stock and make it moving.


Screenshot of Low Stock Level Alerts in RemOnline

Final Thoughts

One of the most important aspects of running a successful small appliance repair shop is knowing how to grow. The right software can be a big help on this road. Cloud solutions and smartphone apps will speed up all routine processes in your company and get your phone ringing. There are tools for all the major tasks like scheduling, invoicing, managing repair orders, inventory of spare parts, and reminders to customers. If you're in the appliance repair business, you should seriously consider implementing modern software to run your shop much more smoothly.