2 min

Estimated profit in orders, invoices and sales & client reminders about an appointment

We are constantly working on improving and expanding RemOnline's capabilities and today we want to introduce you new results of this work:

  • reminders to customers about upcoming events;
  • estimated profit in orders, sales, and invoices;
  • access to calls in orders and customers.

The full list has been announced, now let's talk about each item in more detail ?

Client reminders about an appointment

Registration of client appointments is important, but what's the point if the clients forget about it? To prevent this from happening, now in RemOnline, on the "Settings > Notifications" page, you can set up automatic reminders to clients about upcoming appointments. Use this opportunity to remind them about the visit of the courier or specialist, the planned appointment at the service station.

Reminders work with reference to the "Scheduled for" field in the order, and in the reminder template, you can use the variables {Order Appointed At Datetime}{Order Duration}, and {Order Resource}. You can configure sending reminders for the optimal time for you(minutes, hours, and days). And the sent reminders, as well as notifications, are displayed in the Order event feed.

Client reminders about an appointment

We also added the event "Schedule time has changed" in the notification settings. Like reminders, it works with reference to the "Scheduled for" field in the order.

reference to the "Scheduled for" field in the order

Estimated profit in orders, sales, and invoices

Discounts are a powerful tool to retain and reward customers. At the same time, it is important not to go too far with them, so that the company does not work at a loss. Therefore, to make it easier to decide on a single discount for the client in orders, sales and accounts appeared index "Estimated profit".

Estimated profit in orders, sales, and invoices

It's calculated using the formula (Total amount) – (Cost of goods and services). The discount is deductible only if made at the expense of the company.

discount is deductible

It is logical that not everyone should know the estimated profit, therefore, on the "Settings > Employees" page, we added a new permission "Can see estimated profit" in the "General" group.

Access to calls through orders and clients

The "Calls" permission in the employee’s capabilities settings gives access to the page with the same name in the main menu. And it is not related to the ability of employees to see calls in the order or client card. So if you want to more flexibly configure the ability to listen to recordings of conversations, use the new "Can see calls" permission in the "Orders" and "Clients" groups.

Access to calls through orders and clients

Also in this update, we fixed a number of bugs and inconveniences in RemOnline.

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