RemOnline Employee Management provides you with a set of handy features
Restricting employee access
to information
Orders and tasks
deadline monitoring
Tracking employee actions
in your documents
Employee performance
Get started with RemOnline Employee Management for free during a 7-day trial
Benefits you get with RemOnline Employee Management
You can assign roles to your employees. These include but are not limited to the following:
Configure role rights for accessing the RemOnline modules and functionality. This way, your employees can view only the information you let them.
A role-based access restriction is a cutting-edge approach to preventing conflict situations and introducing a privacy policy.
Create a list of IP addresses you allow to connect to your RemOnline application. The system will reject any connection attempts from all other devices.
This is the way of securing your company account and preventing data breaches. There is also an opportunity to whitelist the employees, so they can access your RemOnline app from any IP address.
Configure allowed actions and operations for your employees on two levels: cashboxes and for each employee individually. You can determine who can see cash balances and cash flow, cash in, spend and transfer money around your cashboxes. By doing so, you will not only eliminate the risk of fraud but also hide financial data from rank-and-file employees.
Improve your warehouse logistics and inventory management with RemOnline. Set up allowed actions and operations in each warehouse and restrict/extend access rights to each employee individually. You can limit the actions like viewing balances, postings, write-offs, transfers, returns to the warehouse or supplier, or adding products to a work order or sale.
RemOnline integrates with IP-telephony, which makes it possible to automate your client communication, as well as record and listen to client calls. This enables you to monitor the communication quality and to find room for improvement in your business processes.
RemOnline cares about your business success. That is why we do our best to provide you with opportunities to enhance your services, increase incomes and employee performance.
Create tasks and assign contractors to them. This reminds your employees to call the client, create an invoice, or order a part for urgent works.
With RemOnline Employee Management, you can view the created tasks, set deadlines and monitor how employees meet them. All participants in the business process get notifications. An employee gets notified upon the task assignment, and the manager receives a notification when the task is done.
As for orders, you can set the time norm for each order status to see which order phase needs improvement. RemOnline also allows you to set and track the urgent and overdue orders with special badges.
Our system provides you with powerful and convenient tools for managing your employee activities.
You can always discover the document creators and the time it was created, edited, or removed. Figuring out who performed the posting, write-off, or sale made easy with RemOnline Employee Management.
What is more essential, order history records all order-related changes with the names of employees performing them. Status changes, messages, comments, and any other events - you can see them all in the order history.
This makes your inventory management and financial operations transparent and minimizes the risks of fraud and theft.
RemOnline exposes countless performance reports for your orders, works, contractors, feedback, and payrolls. Generate your reports and study your employee performance.
RemOnline reports enable you to identify the most and the least performant employees, to see which one has more sales, and which one didn't meet the order deadlines.
With RemOnline Employee Management, you can also subscribe to a daily Manager Report by email to study the key company performance indicators on a daily basis.